Star Citizen Referral Code 



How to start with 5000 United Earth Credits.

Important notes


When will Star Citizen and Squadron 42 release? 

To this day, there are no official dates. That's the most controversial thing about the game development. Truth to be told, it could be in 2025 or 2070, nobody really knows. 

Is the game playable?

There are multiple activities to do, including dogfighting, mining, trading, on foot fps combat. The game status is currently *alpha*, which means there is a lot more work to do and things may and will change over time. 

Can I refund the pledge? 

Yes, official refund policy says you have 30 days to ask for a refund.

I forgot to add the  code during account creation, can I still add it?

No, you can only use a referral code upon account creation. You can create a new account here.